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We are the Publishers for World Renowned Clairvoyant
Psychic Medium Dr. Rose Ann Schwab.
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Blessing From Angels
by World Renowned
Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Rose Ann Schwab
"Blessings From Angels" Channeled Messages From the
Archangels. One of a kind channeled messages never
before heard or seen. They will amaze you with their
power and profound inspiring messages that only a
connection to the Divine Essence can bring through His
messengers the Angels. Years in the making. It is during
this time before the aligning of the planets and events
that Rose has been asked to share these Divine messages,
words and predictions of 2012 with you. Graphics, Retail Price
Print Paper Back Bound Book $49.00 Wholesale from
Angelic Inspirations $39.00
Book size 81/2"
X 11," 200 pages.
Sale Price $29.00 E-book Download
for your I-pod, Computer or e-book readers.
CD $29.00 +
shipping and handling $5.00 over night $10.
Angelic Inspirations
by World Renowned
Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Rose Ann Schwab. COMING
"Angelic Inspirations" One of a kind channeled messages
2nd Edition never before heard or seen. They will amaze
you with their power and profound inspiring messages
that only a connection to the Divine Essence can bring
through His messengers the Angels. Years in the making.
It is during this time before the aligning of the
planets and events that Rose has been asked to share
these Divine messages, words and predictions of 2012
with you.
Graphics ,Retail Price
Print Paper Back Bound Book $49.00 Wholesale from
Angelic Inspirations $39.00
Book size 81/2"
X 11," 200 pages.
Price $29.00 E-book Download.
CD $29.00 + shipping and
handling $5.00, over night $10.00
The Book Of Universal Light vol. 1 Spiritual &
Psychic Development
by World Renowned
Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Rose Ann Schwab &
Contributions by Bernadette K. Schwab
"The Book of Universal Light Vol 1" Throughout our
lifetime we have always had some gut reaction or inner
knowledge about things that are happening. This is all
part of the God given abilities and gifts we were all
given. How we develop them and how we use them
determines their development. Many business deals or
things done in our lives is done with a lot of research,
education, practice and application of this knowledge we
have obtained This is the same way with developing
spiritual psychic abilities. We all have been given
these abilities, but it takes research, education,
practice and application of these gifts/abilities to
develop and advance them whether in your personal life
or to use in business. Detailed information and
exercises. Information never before heard or seen.
Retail Price
Print Paper Back Bound Book $49.00 Wholesale from
Angelic Inspirations $39.00
Book size 81/2"
X 11".
Price Print $29.00 E-book Download.
CD $29.00 + shipping and
$5.00, over night $10.00
The Book Of Universal Light Vol 2 Channeling The Higher
Sources & Angels
by World Renowned
Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Rose Ann Schwab &
Contributions by Bernadette K. Schwab
"The Book of Universal Light Vol 2" Why would anyone
want to talk to his or her angels? In the learning
process of connection with the angels you will also
learn love, support, and guidance from your angels and
higher sources. Detailed information and exercises.
Information never before heard or seen. Instruction.
Retail Price
Print Paper Back Bound Book $49.00 Wholesale from
Angelic Inspirations $39.00
Book size 81/2"
X 11,"
Sale Price $29.00 E-book Download.
CD $29.00 + shipping
and handling
$5.00, over night $10.00
The Book Of Universal Light Vol 3 Working With
Channeled Healing Energy
by World Renowned
Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Rose Ann Schwab &
Contributions by Bernadette K. Schwab
"The Book of Universal Light Vol 3" The channeling of
healing energy occurs when one allows oneself to be a
vehicle or channel through which healing energy can
flow. In the use of healing energy it can have a
profound effect. Detailed information and exercises.
Information never before heard or seen. Graphics. Instruction.
Retail Price
Print Paper Back Bound Book $49.00 Wholesale from
Angelic Inspirations $39.00
Book size 81/2"
X 11,"
Sale Price $29.00 E-book Download.
CD $29.00 + shipping
and handling
$5.00, over night $10.00
The Book of Universal Light Vol 4 Dreams
by World Renowned
Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Rose Ann Schwab &
Contributions by Bernadette K. Schwab
"The Book of Universal Light Vol 4" Many people do not
realize that once they begin to understand and study
their dream visions, dreams and visions, that they have
psychic connection behind them. We all have these gifts
given to us. As we develop them, study them and learn
their meaning they can help us in dealing with our
everyday life. Detailed information and exercises.
Retail Price
Print Paper Back Bound Book $39.00 Wholesale from
Angelic Inspirations $29.00
Book size 81/2"
X 11,
Sale Price $19.99
CD $19.99 + shipping and handling
$5.00, over night $10.00
The Book of Universal Light Vol 5 Spiritual Tools
by World Renowned
Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Rose Ann Schwab &
Contributions by Bernadette K. Schwab
"The Book of Universal Light Vol 5" Labyrinth is an
important tool used in meditations. The difference
between a labyrinth and a maze is that the labyrinth is
universal and have a well-defined path that leads to the
center and back out again. There are no tricks to boggle
the mind. This volume discusses the various spiritual
tools to assist you in development of your psychic
abilities and strengthening of them. Includes
information on mandalas, labyrinths, color synergy,
stones, feng shui, cards... detailed information and
exercises. Graphics. Instruction.
Retail Price
Print Paper Back Bound Book $39.00 Wholesale from
Angelic Inspirations $29.00
Book size 81/2"
X 11,"
Sale Price
E-book Download.
CD $19.99 + shipping and handling
$5.00, over night $10.00
Book of Universal Light Vol 6 Aroma Therapy, Bath Salts
& Gemstones by
World Renowned Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Rose Ann
Schwab & Contributions by Bernadette K. Schwab
"The Book of Universal Light Vol 6" Aromatherapy can be
used on all four levels; physical, emotional, mental and
spiritual. Atmosphere Enhancers work well in a quiet
place away from distraction of the day and will give the
best results. Using various tools and scents while
meditating or praying enhances the experience. This
volume covers various areas of aromatherapy, bath salts,
recipes, and gems that add more power. Great to make
yourself or give as gifts. Warm and loving effects. Graphics.
Retail Price
Print Paper Back Bound Book $39.00 Wholesale from
Angelic Inspirations $29.00
Book size 81/2"
X 11,"
Sale Price $19.99
E-book Download.
CD $19.99 + shipping and handling
$5.00, over night $10.00

The Book Of Light Series Set Vol 1 - 6:
by World Renowned Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Rose Ann
Schwab PhD & Bernadette K. Schwab; The Book Of Universal
Series contains all 6 volumes.
The Book Of Light Series: Sold individually or in a
series. Detailed Information, exercises & instruction.
Spiritual & Psychic Development Vol 1, Conversing With
The Higher Sources & Angels Vol 2, Working With
Channeled Healing Energy Vol 3, Dreams & Dream
Dictionary Vol 4, Spiritual Tools Vol. 5, Aroma Therapy,
Bath Salts, Recipes & Gemstones Vol. 6. Graphics.
Retail Price
Print Paper Back Bound Book $199.00 Wholesale from
Angelic Inspirations $199.00
Book size 81/2"
X 11,"
Sale Price $149.99. E-book
CD $149.99 + shipping and handling
$15.00, over night $25.00
The Passionate Angel
by World Renowned
Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Rose Ann Schwab COMING
"The Passionate Angel" A love so strong that no time,
dimension or space can stop it. Bases of the story is
the strongest love between two people and when one dies,
does it end there? You will only find the answers in
this book.
Retail Price
Print Paper Back Bound
Retail Price
Print Paper Back Bound Book $29.00 Wholesale from
Angelic Inspirations $19.00
Book size 81/2"
X 11,"
The River's Dawn; The Awakening Of The Soul
by World Renowned
Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Rose Ann Schwab COMING
"The River's Dawn; The Awakening Of The Soul" World
Renowned Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Rose Ann Schwab'
Life Story, From a family poverty stricken home as a
child, near death experiences, visions, work behind the
scenes with law enforcement, the white house, true life
touched by God and angel experiences, the
obstacles and hardships, the start of Angelic
Inspirations, client cases and experiences.....
success...and the rest is history.
Graphics. Retail
Retail Price
Print Paper Back Bound Book $49.00 Wholesale from
Angelic Inspirations $39.00
Book size 81/2"
X 11,"

The Littlest Angel Series
by World Renowned
Clairvoyant Psychic Medium Rose Ann Schwab
"The Littlest Angel" Series. The book “The Littlest
Angel” is derived into a series of children's books based on the
true life experiences of World Renowned Clairvoyant
Psychic Medium. The descriptions and Characters are
actually Rose herself as Ann, her sister Bernadette as
Kay. The rest are characters with fictional names to
tell the story and have it relate to the children
audience. As each book is added into the series, it will
be full of humor, action, adventure, lessons, exercises
that anyone can use in the development of their gifts
and experiences good and bad that each child or person
reading the stories can relate to.

Retail Price
Print Paper Back Bound Book $29.00 Wholesale from
Angelic Inspirations $19.99
Book size 81/2"
X 11,"
Retail Price
Print Paper Back Bound Book $25.00
Book size 81/2"
X 11"

Copyright © 2005 True Essence Publications MN